Programme: PON – Programma Operativo Nazionale / Italian National Operational Program 
Topic: Research and Innovation Funds 2014-2020
Project Coordinator: CRF – Centro Ricerche Fiat
Start year: 2019


ICOSAF aims to develop new technologies and systems for a collaborative factory with a growing integration between operators and robots within the principles of Industry 4.0 toward interconnected automation and Industry 5.0 promoting humanization and re-use of resources. This vision includes mobile and fixed robotic systems, quality and machinery active monitoring systems for operator’s assistance and AGVs that interact with operators and environment. The project creates a flexible and cooperative factory, while maintaining its productivity. The main actions are as follows:
– building a distributed data management model (edge vs cloud) to monitor process / product quality by processing data from heterogeneous sources;
– enabling digital services and related validation models;
– dealing with the cognitive analysis for the development of advanced HMIs.
All actions are based on cutting-edge technologies and skills, such as: Human Robot Collaboration,

Automated Guided Vehicles, Distributed Architecture for Big Data Analytics, Advanced HMI and User eXperience.
The integration of these systems into the smart factory leads to improvements in productivity, quality, flexibility and ergonomics. The enhancement of operator’s capabilities, assisted by automated systems in low value added operations, enables more pervasive utilization of human intelligence and flexibility along with the high performance of the automation. The analysis of performance and historical data from distributed sensors and machines allows for greater efficiency in operator-managed quality and maintenance services, while using advanced human-machine interfaces (from augmented reality to wearable devices) makes it easy to work. Similarly, the use of modeling and digital simulation systems facilitates and optimizes factory design and validation, from single workstations to the entire Shop Floor.

XiLAB specifically focuses on studying the user experience to design the best interface solution for each specific context of use.

Related publications

Prati, E., Peruzzini, M., Pellicciari, M., & Raffaeli, R., How to include User eXperience in the design of Human-Robot Interaction, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 68, 102072