Virtual Reality

Creation of immersive and interactive visualization with high level of realism to navigate and interact with virtual prototypes in order to verify the design and the product/system features, according to a Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) approach. The research is based on the definition of the most suitable set-up for specific purposes and the comparison of different system set-up for particular applications.


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Peruzzini, M., Pellicciari, M., Grandi, F., Andrisano, A.O. (2019) Multimodal Virtual Reality Set-Up For Human-Centered Design Of Industrial Workstations, Engineering Journal Dyna, DYNA Publishing, Vol. 94(2), pp. 182-188 

Peruzzini, M., Grandi, F., Cavallaro, S., Pellicciari, M. (2020) Using virtual manufacturing to design human-centric factories: an industrial case, Int. J. Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 115, pp. 873–887

Grandi, F., Zanni, L., Peruzzini, M., Pellicciari, M., Campanella C.E. (2020) A Transdisciplinary Digital Approach for Tractor’s Human-Centered Design, Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 33(4), pp. 377-397 

Grandi, F., Peruzzini, M., Cavallaro, S., Pellicciari, M. (2021)  A training methodology based on virtual reality to promote the learning-by-doing approach, Int. J. of Advanced Operations Management, Vol. 13(3), pp. 275-291

Brunzini, A., Peruzzini, M., Barbadoro, P. (2023) Human-centred data-driven redesign of simulation-based training: a qualitative study applied on two use cases of the healthcare and industrial domains, Journal of Industrial Information Integration, Vol. 35, 100505

Di Paolo, C., Gazzotti, S., Griffiths, S., Plantin de Hugues, T., Martins, J.-P., Le Tonqueze, Y., Manfreo, B., Friconneau, J.-P., Giancarli, L., Josseaume, F., Quinn, E., Peruzzini, M., Kharoua, C. (2023) Early design validation on the Vacuum Vessel ports sealing interface installation and removal with Virtual Reality in ITER TBM port cells, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol. 193, 113670