Industrial Robotics

Definition of novel engineering methods and tools for improving the performance and applications of industrial robotics, exploiting the potential of Virtual Prototyping and Digital Twin approaches. Detailed and interdisciplinary multi-domain models enable the emulation of the physical processes allowing real-time optimization of the final robotic manufacturing manufacturing quality, cost-effectiveness and productivity


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Berselli, G., Gadaleta, M., Genovesi, A., Pellicciari, M., Peruzzini, M., Razzoli, R. (2017). Engineering methods and tools enabling reconfigurable and adaptive robotic deburring, in Advances on Mechanics, Design Engineering and Manufacturing, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, pp. 655-664 

Schmidt, J., Grandi, F., Peruzzini, M., Raffaeli, R., Pellicciari, M. (2020) Novel Robotic Cell Architecture for Zero Defect Intelligent Deburring, Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 51, pp. 140-147 

Gadaleta, M., Berselli, G., Pellicciari, M., & Grassia, F. (2021) Extensive experimental investigation for the optimization of the energy consumption of a high payload industrial robot with open research dataset, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 68, 102046

Raffaeli, R., Bilancia, P., Neri, F., Peruzzini, M. & Pellicciari, M. (2022) Engineering Method and Tool for the Complete Virtual Commissioning of Robotic Cells, Applied Sciences, Vol. 12(6), 3164

Bilancia, P., Monari, L., Raffaeli, R., Peruzzini & M., Pellicciari, M. (2022) Accurate Transmission Performance Evaluation of Servo-Mechanisms for Robots, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 78, 102400

Lettori, J., Raffaeli, R., Peruzzini, M., Pellicciari, M. (2022)  A Framework for Hybrid Manufacturing in Robotic Cells, Computer-Aided Design & Applications, Vol. 19(5), p. 1029-1041 

Bilancia, P. Schmidt, J., Raffaeli, R., Peruzzini, M., Pellicciari, M. (2023) An Overview of Industrial Robots Control and Programming Approaches, Applied Sciences, Vol. 13(4), 5282

Ferrarini, S., Bilancia, P., Raffaeli, R., Peruzzini, M., Pellicciari, M. (2024) A method for the assessment and compensation of positioning errors in industrial robots,
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